Moon timings: healing work on a schedule

Happy full moon, everyone!

Every full moon and every new moon I publish a healing recording for my Propolos subscribers, but you might wonder why those days specifically? It wasn’t a decision made for any kind of marketing purposes, and it wasn’t done for convenience – in fact I tend to be busier and more at the whim of the energies on the moons! So then, why the moons?

I launched Propolos to provide the kind of healing support I would like to have had myself on the journey. Something that was held for me by an experienced teacher and provided insight and energy, but that I – as a healer myself – could use and direct myself. Because of that, what I offer tends to follow that patterns I’ve tried and tested myself over the years and found to be most helpful.

At the dark and new moons, the energy that tends to be available is that which supports reviewing what has been (dark moon) and beginning work on something new (when the first crescent of the new moon becomes visible). As the moon grows in size, our intentions at the beginning of the cycle can also grow and become more powerful, moving into the height of the moon’s power, the full moon.

At a time of the full moon, like today, there is an opportunity for us to connect with wholeness, illumination and that sense of full power. Each moon can feel slightly different – this moon is known as the Flower Moon because of the time of year (in the Northern hemisphere) and so it lends itself to works of growth. That energy is available to us for a few days, not just one, but it is best to time our full moon workings as close as possible to the night itself.

Soon enough we will enter the waning moon phase, as the moon grows smaller in the sky and we work through the remainder of the cycle until we come back to another new moon. In this phase, if there is something big we need need to let go of, or whose influence we must diminish in our lives, we can work daily with the moon as it wanes, tying our intention to it. For that kind of moon work, it ends at the dark moon and we begin the next phase of our work at the new moon, once again…

Moon magic or healing?

My background is in magical practice, leading on to healing work almost 20 years ago. Even in the early days of my healing work, I noticed the similarities between the two approaches. The longer I spend doing both, the less I see any difference between the two. To do magic is to raise and harness external energy, to use focus and will to direct that energy with specific intent – and, by doing so, we create change. Those of us who do magic while following a path of devotion always leave room in this work of our will for the will of the gods to be done. We could call it “highest good”, or simply remembering that spirit is often wiser than we are. In the hands of skilful practitioners, healing work is exactly the same.

My magical healing schedule

In my own personal practice, I tend to do my releasing work at the dark into new moons. This, in my experience, is an excellent time for block removal and cord cutting. At the full moons, I harness the energy of fullness and illumination to do power or soul retrieval work – calling in the energy needed to move forward or heal, or even calling back parts of our own soul’s essence to return us to our own greater sense of wholeness.

Your own magical moon healing could be as simple or as complex as you need in order to create the results you need. Daily ceremony as the moon grows towards full can be a powerful act of energetic retrieval. A single night of trance work under a full moon can call in just as much energy in one ceremony – but that will require stronger containment and more follow up integration work.

How about you, magical healer – what’s your magical healing schedule?

How can I support you?

Join Propolos

For regular new and full moon healing journeys, and monthly healing path readings, shamanic teachings and live calls designed specifically around the needs of magical healers, join Propolos today. This full moon power retrieval is already live and waiting for you, and there is a wealth of healing resources and shamanic teachings to draw on for only £18 a month.

Heal through the wheel of the year

As well as looking above, I work with the energies visible in the land and palpable in the air around me as the wheel of the year turns. Healing Through the Wheel of the Year is a 3 day remote healing and teaching offering at each of the eight sabbats. The next instalment is Summer Solstice: a healing sunrise and runs from 19 – 21 June. You can sign up for £45 today.

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