Wheel of the year

Healing through the wheel of the year: a magical self healing journey

Healing through the wheel of the year is a series of online sources to support deep healing and continued growth for energy workers and spiritual seekers. The three days of healings are delivered in the lead up to each of the eight seasonal festivals: Winter Solstice (around 21 Dec), Imbolc (01 Feb), Spring Equinox (around 21 Mar), Beltane (01 May), Summer Solstice (around 21 June), Lammas (01 Aug), Autumn Equinox (around 21 Sep), Samhain (31 Oct).

On each of the three days, you will receive a recording (by email) to use at a time convenient to you. Each recording contains a teaching about the season and how it can be applied to your own spiritual development, followed by a powerful guided self healing journey. The journeys are recorded in ceremony to hold you safely as you pursue deeper understanding and receive healing. In addition, I send remote healing to everyone signed up to assist in the integration.

These offerings are grounded in 25 years of magical work and pagan practice, as well as 19 years of work as a shamanic practitioner and reiki healer. I understand healers and magical practitioners, and and these recordings are designed with your intuition, skills and longings in mind. The journeys provide a clear path into healing while leaving space for you to pursue your own unique inner vision, all inside a strong container allow you to pursue deep, transformative work.

Healing through the wheel of the year

Beltane: Fertile ground
30 April – 02 May 2024

Beltane, or the folk tradition of May Day, is one of the four fire festivals of the year (along with Imbolc, Lammas and Samhain). Like Samhain, its opposite point on the wheel, Beltane is a time when the veils are thinnest; this makes it a powerful time to receive guidance, and spirit blessings. We will be making the most of this powerful time to work with the most commonly celebrated quality of Beltane: fertility. This is not about making babies! It is about blessing the fertility, growth, creative energy of any aspect of your life you wish to bring to the work.

Day 1: Fanning the flames – set your intention for rich growth and blessings for this year

Day 2: Healing unity – call on the union of masculine and feminine divine energies for healing blessings

Day 3: Fertile ground – create the perfect container for the success of your magic


Healing Through the Wheel of the Year: Beltane

3 days of remote teaching and healing, delivered by email 30 April – 02 May


Spring equinox: Balance and bloom
19 – 21 March 2024

Day 1: Review & renew – draw in the last healing of the dark half of the year, empower the seed of your healing

Day 2: Perfect balance – align yourself with the perfect balance offered at this time, reset yourself for the spring

Day 3: Rise up & bloom – move forward with the season, grow into your sovereign self

Spring Equinox: Balance and Bloom will return in March 2025.

Imbolc: Three healing fires
31 January – 02 February 2024

Day 1: Healing hearth – first, protect and tend to your needs
Day 2: Inspirational flame – ignite and honour your creativity
Day 3: Forge fire – give form to your dreams

Imbolc: Three healing fires will return in January 2025.

Winter Solstice: Bright Beginnings
20-22 December 2023

Day 1: Dark night – honour and heal your grief and fears.
Day 2: First light – honour and empower your hopes and dreams.
Day 3: Kindle the flame – gather your resources and spread your light.

Winter Solstice: Bright Beginnings will return in December 2024.

Samhain: Ancestral fire
30 October – 01 November 2023

Day 1: Ancestral healing – release your ancestral burdens
Day 2: Ancestral gifts – acknowledge the power that is your birthright
Day 3: Deep vision – draw back the veil to see your path

Samhain: Ancestral fire will return in October 2024.

Autumn Equinox: A powerful descent

Day 1: Persephone’s descent – the power of entering the underworld.
Day 2: Hades’ riches – your shining gifts in the darkness.
Day 3: Sovereignty – take your rightful place on the throne.

Autumn Equinox: A powerful descent will return in September 2024.

Lammas: A healing harvest

Day 1: Sacrifice – what do you need to release in order to continue the cycle of growth?
Day 2: Ripening – survey your fields to see what has grown and what is ripe for the harvest.
Day 3: Nourishment – take your first harvest of the year and nourish yourself.

Lammas The Healing Harvest will return in July 2024.