Songs & stories

Storytelling and intuitive singing call to an ancient memory in our bones, of gathering round the fire to listen to the mythic and the ethereal. There we can find ourselves.

We can soothe our souls and find our deepest healing in story and song – may the healing resources below offer you a healing sanctuary.

Healing songs

Healing singing has always been a part of my shamanic work – I incorporate it into the one to one healing sessions and group events and shamanic journeys, as it is the best way I know to call in the spirit of our shared intention, and to change the energy of a situation.

Generally speaking, these are not songs in the strictest sense – this is energy work, not music! There are almost never words (mantras and carefully selected healing sounds are the exception) and the songs are never repeated in quite the same way again.

Songs for the healing of the moment are always included in my healing work, and in the regular programmes Propolos and Healing Through the Wheel of the Year.

Healing Song Circles

In addition to vocal channeling forming part of all my healing work, I hold regular in-person circles dedicated to intuitive voice work in Glastonbury, Somerset. These circles are open to all who seek healing – no experience of shamanic work or singing is required. The work is carefully held and guided by me and my equally experienced co-teacher, Laura Daligan.

Find out more about the Healing Song Circles and see dates for our upcoming events.

Songs that heal

You can access some of the healing songs I have created, to use as part of your own practice and to connect with energies that are deeply healing. My healing song work is a mix of shamanic healing soundtracks and songs to connect with particular spiritual energies for healing and magic. I am also currently recording healing songs together with Laura Daligan as part of our current project, Vitki Fire.

Find out more about songs that heal.

Healing stories

I am a writer and storyteller, and have always believed that humans communicate and understand best through stories. My work with stories takes many forms, from changing personal stories and healing through ancestral stories, to the grander, older tales of gods and the land itself. And, as a fiction writer, through my own made up stories that help me understand how people manage difficult times in this magical world.

Learn more about my love of stories here.