The Reiki 2 symbols

Today’s blog is an informal chat about the Reiki 2 symbols (and why you are not actually attuned to them, because that’s not actually how it works!)

I hope this will be of interest to those Reiki people I meet who are not confident with the symbols – you can be! – and to those who are getting ready to become Reiki Practitioners and get their Level 2: Okuden teachings.

You can book on to my upcoming Reiki 2 course, Saturday 18 May in Glastonbury – there is still time to get your home study part in. Full info and booking here.

If you want to learn more about the symbols, the next few Reiki Skills Lodges are about exactly that – those are free and open to Reiki people (for the symbols ones, Reiki 2 and above) from any lineage – find out more and sign up for the next one.

Make sure you scroll to the bottom of the page and sign up for my mailing list so you don’t miss any events!

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