Reiki Master Teacher – Shinpiden

One of the greatest gifts of Reiki is the ability to pass this amazing system into the hands of new students. Becoming part of the Reiki lineage is great honour, and in my courses we spend time learning how to do this through the Western Reiki attunement process – part of all Reiki traditions operating today that trace lineage back to to Usui Sensei via Hawayo Takata. We also spend time on my preferred method, the Japanese Reiju empowerments – including remote empowerment techniques and self empowerment through the use of Shinto mantras – truly magical stuff!

But reaching Master Teacher level is not just about passing on the initiatory rites to others. During this “levelling up” of energy, we become far more sensitive and stronger channels for the Reiki source. The majority of the teachings are about working with these healing energies in more effective and yet far more subtle ways. We focus on building the intuitive and visionary side of the work, while also cultivating our skills as healers and accepting the responsibility that comes with working at this level. The introduction to the DaiKoMyo symbol itself (the original Usui Reiki Master symbol) is a deeply powerful experience in and of itself.

Shinpiden course outline

Day one:

  • Receive Master level Reiju empowerment
  • Usui master symbol: DaiKoMyo
  • Tibetan Master Symbol
  • Other, channelled symbols for advanced level healing work
  • An overview of the Reiki Kotodama – shinto chanting for power and healing
  • Receive Western Master level attunement
  • Afternoon of practicing Western attunements on each other

Day two:

  • Receive Master level Reiju empowerment
  • Tara defining exercises – the breath of truth
  • Reviewing yesterday’s work and questions
  • Intuitive work (no symbols!) – frequency setting exercises
  • Expanding our intuition and visionary skills – selective Reiji ho and direct perception of the energy body
  • Practice session: performing Reiju empowerments on each other
  • Practice session: community healings

Course times

The course takes place over two full days (09:30-17:30 both days), but students must undertake at least 20 hours of home study to prepare for this initiatory weekend. Comprehensive study manuals, step-by-step guides to the more complex processes and audio lesson tracks. The reading material provided could keep you studying for months afterwards (I still dip into mine all these years later) and my continued support through regular Reiki shares and Reiki Skills Lodges. I am available for questions and assistance for all my Master students as they prepare to teach, and all are welcome to sit in and assist on my classes as they get ready to offer their own. Training doesn’t end with this workshop!

I recommend that students give themselves at least 6 months to a year after Reiki 2 (with regular practice) before advancing to this level. But there is no rush – come when you feel ready to move up, and if you are not sure please come along to one of my shares and or book in a call with me and we can talk!

Upcoming courses

Saturday 05 & Sunday 06 October 2024, 09:30-17:30 both days, Glastonbury
£497 (including comprehensive manual, audio materials and follow up support)

Book with a £147 deposit to secure your place, or contact me for more information.

Reiki Master Teacher 05 & 06 October 2024

Deposit for Reiki Master Teacher (balance of £350 to be paid before the course)
